Monday, May 09, 2005

What is the Tao Te Ching? 什麼是道德經?

Well....I don't know? I do know that it's a philosphy book written a long time ago. Tao Te Ching has many meaning to many different people. A high school student and a mother of 3 reading the same chapter can have different interpretations of what Lao Tzu is trying to say and how to apply it to their lives. This is a place where people can come together and interpreate what Tao Te Ching means to them, how do they apply in their lives, or any thoughts on it.

我不是很清楚, 但是我知道 道德經對每一個人的意義不一樣. 大學生和上班族看了會有不同的想法, 已婚和未婚也會有不同的想法, 再這裡就讓我們一起分享對道德經的感想吧.


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